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70th Anniversary of the Establishment of Thailand-Myanmar Diplomatic Relations

Thai Embassy organized a series of public outreach activities to engage a broad audience and to share much chelished heritage and artistic traditions: Colours of Friendship: Thailand-Myanmar Art Exhibition, Khon: Masked Dance Performance of Thailand, Thail Film Festival, and Thai Food/Veek. The Embassy organized the art exhibition during June 7 to 14 at National Museum Yangon. The art exhibition will feature paintings and other forms of art pieces contributed by both Thai National Artists and prominent Myanmar Artists. The Embassy organized the “Khon: Masked Dance Pe1fonnance of Thailand” in the three major cities of Myanmar: on June 19 at the National Threatre Yangon, on June 21 at MICC II in Nay Pyi Taw and on June 23 at Mandalay National Theatre. The masked dance will be perfom1ed by the Royal Dance Troupe of the Fine Arts Department, Ministry of Culture, Thailand, together  with the Myanmar Cultural Troupe of the Fine Arts Department, Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture. lt will feature four beautiful scenes from the Ramakien. This includes the opening scene of the Ramakien, the lifting of the bow, the abduction of the heroine Sita and battle between the ideal king, Rama and the demon king, Thotsakan. The Embassy will organize “Thai Film Festival” during July 6-8 at JCGV Junction City. The festival aims at providing a showcase for one of the most popular contemporary art and culture by screening the group of best-selected Thai films such as “Bad Genius”, “Pee-MakPhra-Kbanong”, “The promise” and ”From Bangkok to Mandalay”. These films are the outstanding bridge for Myanmar and Thailand in terms of people-to-people relations. Royal Thai Embassy together with Novotel Yangon Max will organize “Thai Food Week” during July 9-13 at Novotel Yangon Max.


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