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Bilateral Relations between Myanmar and United States in the Post-election Era

US Secretary, Rex Tillerson called State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi on June 20 to invite her for official visit to Washington, according to the Director General of State Counselor’s office. It seems Washington no longer ignore the existence of Myanmar. Prime Minister Najib Razak of Malaysia had a talk with President Trump after Trump was elected as President in November last year. Vietnam’s Prime Minister Phuc had done visiting United States and government officials from Singapore, Thailand and Philippines have received the phone calls from President Trump in April to visit to the White House even though one of the reasons he called to them is about North Korea.

The congratulatory letter to newly elected President of United States

Both state counsellor and President sent congratulatory notes to new President Trump. Htin Kyaw penned “I have the pleasure of offering my heartiest congratulations to Your Excellency on your election as the 45th President of the United States of America.” State counsellor said “I am confident that the trusted place in you by the American people will inspire you to promote progress, peace and prosperity.”

The recent activity of Trump

When Trump was on campaign trail, he used the slogan “America First”. Those instincts are real and he is really making American first by withdrawing United States from TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) on his first day as President and issued executive orders on refugees and immigration. The series of protests happened in US after his immigration policies. He also pulled United States from Paris Accord on Climate Change. Elon Musk, the adviser of Trump quits from his position because of this decision. Governors from California, New York and Washington states form a coalition of states committed to fighting climate change. Trump’s administration has been facing growing criticisms because of this lastest decision.

Back to Obama’s foreign policy

President Obama wanted to maintain the relationship with Southeast Asia. Obama stated “As President, I’ve insisted that even as the United States confronts urgent threat around the world, our foreign policy also has to seize on new opportunities. That is why early in my presidency, I decided that the United States as a pacific nation would rebalance our foreign policy and play a larger and long-term role in the Asia Pacific.” He did as he said and focused on the prospect of the countries in Asia Pacific including Myanmar. He was frequent visitor for Asia-Pacific region. The bilateral relation between Myanmar and the United States were not so great after 1988 because of military junta. United States placed sanctions on Myanmar on the export of financial services to Myanmar, all imports from Myanmar and certain visa restrictions to some government officials in 2003. After ruling junta retires, some of the sanctions were lifted, some still remained. Obama recalled orders on sanctions on October 7, 2016. He lifted several sanctions more on December 2, 2016 but visa restrictions to some of Myanmar nationals still remained. It is safe to say United States played the vital role in Myanmar democratic transition.

A lot has happened since 2011-2015 political reforms. Former President Thein Sein delayed the construction of Myitsone hydroelectric dam led by a stateowned Chinese company and released nearly all political prisoners. The law allowing peaceful demonstration was also enacted. In 2012, Thein Sein government signed the ceasefire with multiple ethnic groups.

Power was successfully transferred to NLD after election. The visit of Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State to Myanmar was the first visit of senior official from United States since 1955. She promised behalf of US at that time to improve relations if democratic reforms continue.

In 2012, US President Obama came to Myanmar for “the hand of friendship”. Derek Mitchell was appointed as the first US Ambassador to Myanmar in 22 years.

China took advantage of US’s lack of policy to Myanmar in the post election era

NLD won landslide victory in November 2015 election and although Aung San Suu Kyi could not be the President because of the Constitution, she took the role as the State Counselor.

New government is facing growing criticisms about the reforms that have been slower than expected. Economic reforms seems to take slower steps even though many assumed Myanmar is one of the world’s fastest growing economies. Technocrats have been pointing out the rules and regulations that desperately need to be modified. The foreign direct investment had fallen in fiscal year of 2017. The Gross domestic product (GDP) had also declined.

Aung San Suu Kyi’s adminstration has organized the two sessions of 21st century Panglong Union Peace Conference on August 2016 and May 2017. She stressed the importance of inclusion in the peace process. The outcome from both peace conferences is, at best, mixed. Government and ethnic armed groups agreed on 37 of 47 points on Pyidaungsu Accord.

China was concerned when President Thein Sein’s government repaired its relationships with the West. Now China is taking advantage from US lack of interest in Southeast Asia by making strong diplomatic relations with Southeast Asia countries. When President Htin Kyaw visited China, China said it will continue to play constructive role in Myanmar peace processes.

In fact, United States needs Myanmar to counter the influence of China in Asia region. Senior adviser and the deputy director of the Southeast Asia Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) have also suggested that Trump should call Myanmar to encourage Myanmar in its reform efforts and give the government some counterweight to renewed courtship by China.

Myanmar is strategically located in the intersection of China, India and Southeast Asia. Myanmar government can use this geopolitical advantage to bring benefit for the people. Even though Myanmar is now facing obstacles in building up a better nation, Myanmar has still many potential opportunities for a better future.

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