ILO Talks About Holistic Planning and Coordination
Interview with Piyamal PichaiwongseILO Deputy Director
Please introduce yourself to our readers.
My name is Piyamal,...
Swiss Businesses are present in Myanmar
Interview with H.E Tim EnderlinSwiss Ambassador to Myanmar
How did you end up being an Ambassador in Myanmar?
“Targeting Middle-income Underinsured Population”
Interview with Asit RathCEO of Prudential Myanmar
Please introduce yourself to our readers.
I am a...
“Myanmar Is A Nation of Small Farmers”
Interview with Jim TaylorCEO and Co-founder of Proximity Designs
Please introduce yourself and Proximity Designs to our readers.
Saving Lives Through Pest Control
Interview with Gary JourneauxCEO of Competitive Pest Services
Please introduce yourself and your background to our readers.
NIVEA: Developing Teams to Stay in No 1 Position
Interview with Tomasz SchwarzCountry Manager of Beiersdorf Myanmar
Country Manager of Beiersdorf MyanmarPlease introduce yourself and Beiersdorf to our...
SAMSUNG: “People Here Enjoy Emotional Contents”
Interview with YoungSeok HamManaging Director of Samsung Myanmar
Managing Director of Samsung MyanmarPlease introduce yourself and Samsung Myanmar to...
“Giving Myanmar Women Opportunities to Participate in Economic Growth ”
Interview with Ekayi Maw KooChief Executive Officer of AustCham Myanmar
CEO of AustCham MyanmarPlease introduce about yourself and...
“3 Months Old with 8 Nationalities”
Interview with Maria Bernadette Abril Principal of Kinderhouse
Can you please introduce yourself and Kinderhouse to our readers?
“Our Biggest Competitor in Myanmar is Cash”
Interview with Pyay NyeinCountry Head of 2C2P Myanmar
Please explain our readers about 2C2P.