People challenge: A look at the changing skills and talent landscape of an emerging...
C ompanies in Myanmar are in an ac-quisitive mood and are spreading their reach for talent in the glob-al marketplace. Most Myanmar based and...
SME financing in Myanmar has a long way to go
S mall and medium enterprises (SME) in Myanmar face challenges common among emerging markets which in-clude access to market, labour supplies and technologies, regulation...
10 Things to know about Microfinance in Myanmar
T here is an increasing interest in business in Myanmar as the coun-try opens up its economy to the rest of the world. One...
The microfinance industry in Myan- mar was given a boost with the re- cent Responsible Finance Seminar: Laying the Foundations. Held on May 7-8...
Fifteen ways of looking at Myanmar’s political and business culture
The risk associated with the 2015 elections is not as high as it is made out to be by the media and commentators. Daw...
Recent Zoning and Property INSIDER ANALYSIS Valuations in Yangon
The real estate market situation in Myanmar is a challenge at many dif- ferent levels. Perhaps the greatest challenge is that real estate laws...
What are architectural parameters?
In a lot of major and fast developing cites, the overall master plan is always lagging behind its development. Master plans
either haven’t been completed...