Life Long Learning Mindset

We all know that the word 'mind' is commonly understood as the human consciousness that originates in the brain and is "manifested...

Be Optimistic and Get Going

It happened long ago but whenever I think of that day, memories still flashed back vividly. My two friends and I were...

Gender Equality at Home

Grandma San can hear all the words clearly from inside her room. The little fight has been going on for quite a...

Visiting the Tsukiji of Myanmar

The logistics costs and the price of ice affect the price of fish being sold at the biggest fish market in Myanmar...

Some Prayers To Say

Getting off from the yellow school bus, my 9-year-old niece came rushing into the sitting room and ran straight to her elder...

E-Commerce Post February 2021

Myanmar e-commerce world was abruptly interrupted by the events at the end of January 2021. Online sales stalled, major online giants hibernated...

Tesla New Phone – Could it be the iPhone and Telcos Killer?

The phone is still at the rumour stage, yet if the rumours are to be true, it could be the beginning of...

Car Market in Stagnation Mood

After the change of government in February 2021, the imports of cars have been restricted in order to control a major avenue...


'Thorndike Barnhart Advanced Dictionary of 1974' defines the word 'Feminism' as the belief that men and women should have equal rights and...

Want to be lucky?

The majority of the Buddhists in Myanmar are familiar with the common saying that each individual comes to this world with his...

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Interview with Alison Fox Principal of The British School Yangon

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