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DICA Regional Branches Hit the Targeted Numbers

The number of Region and State branch offices of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) has amounted to 15 following the opening of Chin State branch office on November 20.

China State office is the last in the planned 15 DICA regional branches, which are aimed to make administrativeprocesses concerned with investment and company registration and permission locally available without coming to Yangon headquarters. Prior to Chin State office, Rakhine State branch was opened on October 30 as the 14th regional branch. Kyaw Win, Minister for Planning and Finance, attended the opening ceremony of Rakhine State branch and held talks on investment opportunities with local businessmen.

Regional branch offices of the DICA have previously been opened in Nay Pyi Taw for the country’s administrative district Nay Pyi Taw Council Territory, Mandalay city for Mandalay Region, Mawlamyine city for Mon State, Taunggyi city for Shan State, Pathein city for Ayeyarwaddy Region, Bago city for Bago Region, Monywa city for Sagaing Region, Magway city for Magway Region, Hpa-An city for Kayin State and Loikaw city for Kayah State. The DICA is a government body assigned with investment and company administration under the Ministry of Planning and Finance.

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