New Year resolutions are often abandoned a few weeks into January. But finding the right approach to change can transform your year. Here are some suggestions to help make another year your best one yet. With the on-going pandemic, we all know 2021 will be another challenging time of our lives, but we can’t just give up our plans, right? So let’s check these out!
Stay Safe from the Virus
First thing’s first, stay safe from a virus. Wear a mask wherever you go and wash your hands every time you come back home. Avoid crowds and do not sacrifice a moment of happiness with the lives of your family.

Start with Micro-goals
Goal-setting and resolutions are typically more of a marathon than a sprint. Have you already dreamed about your 2021? Then you have to plan for your dream to come true. What do you want to achieve in 2021? Thrive in education or become a successful salesman? Or may be your better self? Well, a good plan helps to realise your true values. Thus, planning makes you motivated. Without one you can lose track and waste time. People who actually achieve their resolutions tend to set much smaller micro goals that are ultra-specific and realistic. If your resolution is to eat healthier, one micro-goal might be to start blending fruit and vegetable smoothies for breakfast each day. If your goal is to take up a new hobby, you might resolve to sign up for a class at a local art studio before the end of January.
Literally, everyone needs to workout in daily life. You may find working out boring or come up with plenty more excuses. But trust me, everyone needs to workout. Take care of your body and look better. Since we can’t go to gyms now, I hope it is possible soon, yet we can learn some tricks from the internet. Here are some websites for your reference.
If you’re a gymnast, join free gym classes online.
- Core Power Yoga: Sixteen hour-long yoga classes and four meditations.
- Echelon and Peloton: Both apps offer a wide variety of live and on-demand classes (yoga, dance, core, etc) and both apps are free for 90 days.
- Barre3 and The Bar Method: The ballet-meets-yoga classes are free for 15 days.
- Daily Burn and Gold’s Gym: Try a 60-day free trial of the Daily Burn’s sleek at-home classes, with a variety of specialties or hit the 600 audio and video classes on the Gold’s Gym until May 31 for free.
- Planet Fitness: daily free classes at 7 p.m.
And if possible, I recommend buying a subscription plan for even better sessions.

Eat Healthy
“Change your eating, change your life,” the saying goes. Improve your health by preparing healthy meals and eating foods that contain vitamins and minerals which include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy, and a source of protein – better nutrition for your body. Eating healthy makes your skin soft, brighten and healthy by vital nutrients. And the best thing is it will keep you healthy and feeling better in your overall life.

Learn New Skills
The only way you can get good at something is by practice. So to help yourself succeed in 2021, plan to learn a few new things. With the internet, there are abundant sources of learning around today—online study courses on computer skills, music, new languages, cooking, sport; you name it!
Save More
Recognize that shopping can become addictive or a dangerous escape which can be a bad habit to embrace. First of all, make a savings plan and stick to it, stop buying unnecessary stuff, or keep a weekly and monthly spending record, comparing your income and outcome. Save money for other essential things like travel.
Travel More, Domestically
Since COVID-19 taught us not to travel abroad for some time being, we can still travel inland. “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page,” said a wise person a while back. Well, totally agree, as I am a traveler too—love to meet new people, see new things, try new food and enjoy new worlds. Travel once, and you become addicted to it. In order to continue your journeys, you will need money, hence saving (see above). Travel, make memories, meet new friends, one of the best things in life.
P.s. Be sure to have a COVID-19 test before you go on any trip.
Avoid Negative People
Just like how peanut butter comes with jelly, people should come with tact. Be tactful while you are avoiding people, as you cannot choose who to associate with in some cases. Negative feedback from negative people affects your thinking, plus they are an energy drain, give no encouragement, and damage credibility. So avoiding them will make your life easier in 2021.
Reward Yourself for Achievements
Resolutions shouldn’t be all about hard work and no fun. That’s why it’s important to reward yourself for achievements you make, no matter how big or how small. If you’ve stuck to your resolution of saving $1,000 a month for the past three months, treat yourself by buying something small that you’ve been wanting for a long time. Occasional rewards provide tangible proof that your resolution plan is working well and that you are improving yourself little by little.Be Yourself
The most important thing in your life is being yourself all the time. Don’t ever pretend to be someone else. Being yourself is also one of the essential skills you need in your life. You must know your personal values, choose your passions carefully, adjust your patterns, etc. Be the person you were meant to become more successful in your life.