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EuroCham Myanmar’s Agrobusiness Forum Will Highlight the Future of Myanmar’s Agricultural Business

Yangon, Myanmar ­– A recent study of International Labour Organization (ILO) reveals that COVID-19 has upended the livelihoods of nearly 3.5 million women and men in the agricultural sector through job depletion, reduced wage and staggered working hours.

Thus, in order to build on the success of the Agrobusiness Forum of December 2019, EuroCham Myanmar, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) team up to welcome stakeholders engaged in promoting and enabling responsible practices in the agricultural sector in Myanmar. The online event will take place on December 17, 2020.

The key objective of the Forum is to provide a platform for agribusiness representatives, international development agencies, Myanmar policy makers and other key relevant stakeholders to openly discuss challenges and opportunities in conducting business as well as implementing good agriculture practices and promoting responsible supply chains.

Besides, there will be panelists for the private sector representatives, development sector representatives and also government representatives.

The forum will focus on food security, food safety, cross-border trade, responsible agricultural supply chains and decent work, access and tenure on natural resources/land repartition and continued supply of essential goods across the country.

Participants can also learn about the leading international standards and tools available for companies to implement good agricultural practices and enhance productivity, competitiveness, sustainability and inclusivity and decent work.

Registration is free for EuroCham Myanmar Agrobusiness Forum 2020.

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