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FDI in Myanmar reaches US$ 3bn

According to the Chairman of Myan- mar Investment Commission (MIC) U Zayar Aung, the foreign direct investment in Myanmar amassed US$ 3.676 billions during the first half of last fis- cal year, April-September 2014. According to MIC Chairman, 99 new foreign firms were allowed with US$ 3.584 bn for investments and four operating business companies with additional US$ 92.786 million during that period. Among FDI in Myanmar, most were invested in country’s infrastructure sector in which transportation sector stood first with 36.83 percent. It was followed by en- ergy sector with 21.90 percent and property development with 16.95 percent. Locally, in- vestments in property came first with 79.75 percent, construction sector with 9.29 per- cent and industrial sector 4.81 percent fol- lowed respectively. The majority of the for- eign investors are from European countries and from ASEAN nations.

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