JJ-Pun in partnership with First Myanmar Investment Co. Ltd. (FMI) and Philips Lighting announced plans to light up off-grid areas in Upper Myanmar with the installation of solar-powered LED “Community Light Centers” (CLC’s) in Yangon on 22nd March.
JJ-Pun and its partners undertake this ini- tiative with dual aims of improving quality of life for people living off the electricity grid and to demonstrate the possibilities of sustainable development in rural areas of Myanmar.
CLCs are areas of approximately 1000 m2, the size of a small soccer pitch, illuminated using a new generation of highly efficient solar powered LED lighting.
During the past year project partner Philips Lighting has realized CLC projects across Kenya, Ghana and South Africa, and is on target to reach 100 such centres by the end of 2015.
Drawing on this success, Myanmar’s first CLC will be constructed in Ngar Zinyine village in the Tada-U Township of Upper Myanmar, effectively ‘extending the day’ and creating numerous opportunities for social and economic activities in the eve- ning. Construction of the CLC is scheduled to be completed during October 2015. “Bringing light to the vast amounts of people in Myanmar currently living off the electricity grid will act as an enabler for both social and economic development within these communities. I am delighted the Com- munity Light Centre programme gives us a sustainable means to achieve this and hope our actions demonstrate the important role sustainable development has to play in Myanmar’s modernisation.” said Philipp Hoffmann, Managing Director of JJ-Pun. JJ-PUN, was founded in 2011, is a joint ven- ture between Jebsen & Jessen (Southeast Asia) and Serge Pun & Associates, operating in Myanmar. An industrial enterprise, JJ- Pun’s business spans manufacturing, engi- neering and distribution activities.
This announcement comes on the heels of FMI bringing Solar Impulse 2, the first-ev- er around the world solar powered flight, to Myanmar on 19th of March.