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Marga Community Care Supplies to Flood-Af- fected Villages in Sagaing

Marga Community Care (MCC) has given away aid and supplies donated by the staff and emergency funds from the foreign real estate group Marga Landmark to flood-affected villages in Sagaing Division. MCC donated to villages of Pay Gone and Chaung Gyar in the Kantbalu Township of Sagaing on July 25. With the help from the rescue committee organized by the local government, the MCC team was able to distribute the relief supplies to the villagers from Pay Gone and Chaung Gyar whose homes and communities were severely damaged by the floods caused by the heavy rains for the last two weeks.

MCC donated 1,500,000 MMK as an emergency relief funds, 2700 units of non- perishable food products, 3000 units of medicine for conditions such as diarrhea, cold & flu, and dehydration, and 840 water purification tablets. In addition, 235 units of clothing were donated by the local staffs of Marga Landmark Company.

John Barnes, Director of Marga Group, said, “The Marga Community Care initiative cultivates the spirit of giving, sharing and community engagement amongst our international and local staff. Especially in the face of natural disaster, we should all get together and act responsively to help those in need. Marga is here to do good to the country which we have always been doing, and we will continue to do more.”

Marga Community Care is a charity program initiated by Marga Landmark, an international real estate developer. MCC had helped out in previous disaster relief programs including the fire in the Balouknyunt and Aye villages in February 2015, and the floods in Bago Township in August 2014.

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