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MPT to Hold over 100 Mobile Seminars

The 100 free-to-attend seminars by MPT will be held throughout Myanmar. The company is also offering additional mobile seminars upon request to institutions such as high schools, universities or public area.

This year’s program will involve 100 mobile seminars at many locations around Myanmar from October 2018 to March 2019 and focus on identifying and educating the public, in the particular the mobile internet-using youth here, on online threats such as fraud, hacking and disruption of smartphone security that is on the rise. The topics to be covered in the seminars include identifying and protection against cybercrime, mobile etiquette, social networking and security, MPT services and call center information.

“Our ongoing mobile seminar will held nationwide for thousands of members of the public demonstrates MPT’s commitment towards ensuring the safety of all telecommunications customers by way of providing informative and critical on how they can best protect themselves online and their mobile devices. The seminars have been a great success and thus far well environment, as they connect via their devices for work, study, entertainment or simply to communicate with friends and family,” said Reizo Umeda, Chief Commercial Officer of MPT-KSGM Joint Operations.

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