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Myanmar Being Ignored?

Is it true that Myanmar is being ignored by international community? Take a ride on the plane to Nay Pyi Taw and return later in the evening. Lots of foreigners, from diplomatic missions (mainly Asians), government and trade delegations, businesspersons and NGOs make up half of the load factor of already a full aircraft. So, what is all the talk about Myanmar being ignored by the international community? Publicly ignored by the West and a few of their lapdogs perhaps, but someone covertly engaging Nay Pyi Taw for continuation of the projects, a few lucrative deals and possible special treatment for their respective countries.

Possible reasons for the perceived lack of attention or action include:

  1. Limited Influence: Myanmar’s internal affairs are primarily seen as a sovereign matter by many countries, which limits their willingness to intervene directly. The West and some ASEAN nations may now finally realised that applying excessive pressure or intervention could further exacerbate the situation or be seen as undue interference in Myanmar’s internal affairs.
  2. Geopolitical Interests: Some countries may have competing geopolitical interests in the region or with Myanmar itself. They may prioritise maintaining diplomatic relations or economic ties with the Myanmar government over taking more assertive actions in response to the political crisis.
  3. ASEAN’s Non-Interference Principle: ASEAN follows a principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of member states. Some of the States are in serious breach of this principle. While there have been discussions and diplomatic efforts within ASEAN, reaching a consensus on a unified response has proven challenging.
  4. Limited Options for Influence: The West and ASEAN may face constraints in their ability to influence the situation due to limited leverage over the Myanmar government. Economic sanctions and isolationist approaches have historically had just prolonged the military rule and negative impacts are most experienced upon the general population.
  5. Humanitarian Concerns: There is concern that taking aggressive measures could worsen the humanitarian situation in Myanmar. The priority for some countries may be to support the well-being and safety of the Myanmar people, even if it means adopting a more cautious or diplomatic approach.

Casting the reasons aside, it is the propaganda and western media that kept some countries away from overtly engaging Nay Pyi Taw. Think of the visit by the President of Foreign Correspondence Club of South Asia last month. Upon his return, some members of FCCSA (those from Western media – RFA, AFP, FT, WP, etc) resigned in protest. Just another affirmation of the usual one-sided bias of western media getting unbearable at seeing two south Asian neighbours getting along with each other. FCCSA Managing Committee supported the President.

With such potential negativity, it is only to be expected that, those who under the net of US control could not bear the wrath of the Uncle Sam and western media. Hence only covert actions have to suffice for the time being, for them.

With Myanmar migrants overseas pushing hard for anti-Myanmar activities, NNCP terrorists and their sympathisers carrying out and promoting extra judicial killings, assassinations and bombing campaigns and fake Myanmar news agencies from overseas advancing malicious information across the social media, it might be a while before these covert activities get converted into overt overtures.

At the end of the day, only engagement would hasten the schedule for the promised elections in the coming year. Only thereafter, the country would get back to so-called ‘normal’, from the international perspective. Supporting the NNCP terrorists, engaging the illegal exile government and broadcasting anti-Myanmar activities would only act contrary to the former objective.

Abstract blue world map with magnified Myanmar. Myanmar flag and map. Vector Illustration.
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