Name: Director Wyne (U Tun Zaw Win)
Main Business: Film Making
Profession: Career actor and director
Brief Background:
Director Wyne entered the movie industry immediately after completing his matricula- tion exams in 1991. He started through par- ticipating as an extra in films. Through hard work, dedication and (to a lesser extent) good looks, directors started to notice him. The first chance to be a supporting actor comes in 1995 and since then Wyne has not looked back. He appeared in various films till 2003.
Director Wyne also took up lessons in script writing from the age of 25 and decided to switch from being an actor to a director by the age of 30. He started with directing MTV sets for Myanmar music, become successful and eventually receive offers from movie producers to direct full-fledged films.
MI: Can you brief us on the history of movie industry and how movie indus- try in Myanmar is organized?
Myanmar movie industry started in 1920s, with the production of silent movies. During the 1940s, we started making films with sound and we were the most successful in south east Asia.
The industry continued to climb till 1962, where Myanmar movies were distributed and watched around the region. The industry declined after 1965, after Myanmar follows the wrong path towards socialism. After the demonstration and military coup in 1998, the industry totally stopped for as long as two years. From 1992 till now, the quality of the movies produced also went down. On average, we produced 15 to 20 movies per year. As an indication of the status of the industry now, there is no mov- ie studio in Myanmar right now. There were many studios, pre 1962.
In terms of organization, the funding comes from the producer, typically for directors, actors and actresses. There is no systematic organization as such here and teams of ex- perts, taking care of different aspects of mov- ie production, does not exist here.
MI: What are the production statis- tics like?
As mentioned, the industry produced about 15 to 20 full length movies per year. We also produced about 1000 videos per year. The videos are generally not creative. 90% of the videos produced are either repeaters (i.e., reproduction of previously produced mov- ies, using different casts or sets) or localized foreign films. Only 10% of the videos produc- tion are out of directors’ own creativity.
MI: How does the industry operate differently compared to say, Holly- wood?
We do not have a systematic structure like Hollywood. Human resource and experience of big movie production is missing in Myan- mar. We are also using archaic or unsuitable equipments. Creativity is also missing in the movies produced.
MI: What are the main sources of in- come for Myanmar movie industry?
The income mainly comes from theatres. There were about 400 theatres in the whole country during 1945 – 1965 period. Now there are only 29 theatres in Myanmar. Mer- chandizing does not exist in Myanmar yet.
MI: How many movies you have pro- duced so far and what is your best one, personally? Why?
I have produced about 8 full length movies and 120 videos. My favorite one has to be Adam & Ave & Dattha (ogre) due to the audience support. This film is the best grossing film in Myanmar movie history. The cinema takings totaled approximately 4,500 laks (~USD450,000).
MI: How does Myanmar opening up to international markets affect the lo- cal movie industry?
We expect more competition and challeng- es, but i believe the change is for the better. The industry needs to become more efficient and competitive. It is too small and it has not gathered much interest from foreign land yet.
MI: You have been nominated for 3 academy award(s). Can you explain on the academy award process here?
Prior to 2011, the nominations were based on political agenda. After 2011, changes also started appearing in the motion picture in- dustry here. Control for the academy awards is eventually passed down from ministry of information to Myanmar Motion Picture Or- ganization in 2014.
MI: How do you manage difficult ac- tors and actresses in Myanmar?
We directors, have to set a good example for them e.g., by coming early to the production locations, etc. We also have to show them the skill sets for them to emulate and believe in us. Last but not least, we have to show them the proof that we make good decisions through our previous experiences.
MI: What are the challenges that MM movie industry is facing?
We are very much behind in terms of tech- nical skills and technology e.g., in other countries there is 3D animation, etc. We lack investment in equipments. Our market needs to be bigger; we need the number of cinemas to be above 200. Last but not least, we need creativity among the directors and artists here.
MI: How would you describe the gov- ernment role in the development of the local movie industry?
In countries such as Korea, India, the gov- ernments there have plans to promote their respective movie industries. Government can play a role in market development through new cinemas or promoting new for- eign investments through joint ventures.
MI: If there is one policy that you can get the government to change to help develop the movie industry here, what would it be?
We need to implement the copy right law here and enforce strict penalties for infringe- ments.
MI: If international partners/inves- tors want to participate in the local movie industry, where would be the best place to start?
I believe setting up new movie studio would be a good start as we currently have none.MI: Based on your experience, what are the critical success factors in the movie industry? I would say, honesty and integrity. As per- formanceartistsanddirectors,weneedtobe good underneath to be able to put another layer on ourselves and transform easily into roles within the movies.
MI: From a business standpoint, what do you feel are the biggest chal- lenges facing you in the next 1-3 years?
I am presently quite content as I do not have any major challenges. I have directing jobs in the pipelines.
MI: What would be your advice(s) foraspiringyoungentrepreneurswho want to enter movie industry in Myan- mar?
Study the industry well. Then decide if you still want to be within the industry. Don’t just listen to others.