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New Cabinet Changes

The government has reshuffled the cabinet with effect from February 01, 2023 as follows:

1Prime Minister (PM)Min Aung Hlaing
2Deputy PMSoe Win
3DPM and Minister for DefenceMya Tun Oo
4DPM and Minister for Home AffairsSoe Htut
5DPM and Minister for Transport and TelecomTin Aung San
6DPM and Minister for Planning and FinanceWin Shein
7Minister for Foreign AffairsThan Swe
8Minister for Union Government OfficeYar Pyae
9Minister for Border AffairsTun Tun Naung
10Minister for Investment & Foreign Economic RelationsKan Zaw
11Minister for International CooperationKo Ko Hlaing
12Minister for Legal AffairsThida Oo
13Minister for InformationMaung Maung Ohn
14Minister for Religious Affairs & CultureKo Ko
15Minister for Agriculture, Livestock & IrrigationMin Naung
16Minister for Cooperatives & Rural DevelopmentHla Moe
17Minister for Natural Resources & EnvironmentKhin Maung Yi
18Minister for Electric PowerThaung Han
19Minister for EnergyMyo Myint Oo
20Minister for IndustryCharlie Than
21Minister for Immigration and PopulationMyint Kyaing
22Minister for LabourPwint San
23Minister for CommerceAung Naing Oo
24Minister for EducationNyunt Pe
25Minister for Science & TechnologyMyo Thein Kyaw
26Minister for HealthThet Khaing Win
27Minister for Sports & Youth AffairsMin Thein Zan
28Minister for ConstructionMyo Thant
29Minister for Social Welfare, Relief & ResettlementThet Thet Khine
30Minister for Hotels and TourismAung Thaw
31Minister for Ethnic AffairsJeng Phang Naw Taung
32Permanent Secretary of Union Government OfficeZaw Than Thinn
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