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Salient Points from Senior General Talk on Power Extension

National Defence and Security Council meeting was held on January 31 in Nay Pyi Taw, to extend the term of the present government for another six months. The followings are salient points from SG Min Aung Hlaing presentation:

In need of a Third Party Organisation to ensure fair elections in the future

  1. Fraudulent votes in the last elections ~10.5 million (~30% of eligible votes).
  2. The previous government as well as the Union Elections Commission (UEC)  steadfastly refused to investigate the voters’ fraud, despite numerous written, verbal and public requests.
  3. Without resolving the major fraud, NLD tried to seize power by swearing in of MPs, based on fraudulent elections results.
  4. The previous government and UEC takes no accountability and no responsibility for defrauding the elections by refusing to entertain significant frauds claims with evidence.
  5. They dare not investigate as they themselves instigated and knew of such frauds.

Abuse of Power

  1. The top echelons of NLD administrations abused their powers, put undue influence over UEC and broke covid and election rules to fraudulent win the votes and election.


  1. Due to CDM by healthcare staff, military hospital and medics took over the role of Covid prevention and cure.
  2. Currently 98% of the country over the age of 18, has been fully vaccinated.


  1. First term of democratic government (Thein Sein) – average GDP growth rate at 7.3%. Second term of democratic government (Su Kyi) – average GDP growth rate 3.4%.
  2. Su Kyi is facing nine corruption charges, Win Myint (ex president) five corruption charges,  eight NLD Central Executive Committee members and 27 Union and Chief Ministers are all facing corruption charges for stealing millions of dollars from government coffers.
  3. 2020/21 GDP growth at -5.9% (negative). 2021/22 six months GDP growth at 2.4%, 2022/2023 expected GDP growth at 3.2%.


  1. Still need some time to completely eliminate NUG, CRPH and PDF terrorists.
  2. Nearly 5,000 properties destroyed due to terrorism by them.
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