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Second GDG DevFest Yangon to be Held in November

The second annual Google Developers Group (GDG) DevFest Yangon will be held on November 12 and 13 (two days event) at MICT park conference hall. The biggest Google technology related event in Myanmar is organized by Google Developer Group Yangon. Google Developer Group is a community in which developers who are interested in Google’s technology come together. There are over 100 Google Developer Groups which are recognized by Google around the world. Google Developer Group Yangon (GDGY) has been in operation since 2014 and already organized over 20 events related to Google technology.

Over 400 developers who interested in Google’s technology are expected to attend and 17 Google Developer Experts will discuss Android, Web and Cloud technologies.

Ye Lin Wai, Communication Manager of Google Developer Group said “In Myanmar, only a few conferences related to technology have been held. GDG Yangon knows and wants to fill the needs of local developer. Hence, we invite the Google developer experts, local know-hows to hold the conference which is biggest Google related conference. He added “there are two reasons to invite international geeks or experts. First, if local experts are to attend the conference in a foreign country, the costs will be high including the conference ticket fee, the airplane tickets, etc. Secondly, local developers can learn new technology as well as enhance their skills through conference” There are two options for tickets 5000 kyats for students, 10,000 kyats for professionals. Tickets grant access to all conference sections, coffee breaks and lunch. Ticket sale has started from October 1 and so far, over 400 tickets has been sold. For those who could not join the event, all discussion session can be seen on online 10 days after the DevFest.

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